Horse Show Rules

Back numbers will not be issued until payment is received.

VERY IMPORTANT: Stalls are limited to 269 in the brick barns. It will be important to get your stalls ordered early. If your entries won’t be sent in until after the deadline, stalls MUST be ordered by October 18th. Please do not call in your stall orders. All stall orders must be received via email or text to Lynn McCallister at lmcstable@aol.com with STALLS on the subject line, or send a text to 913-579-7709.

The Fairgrounds has the right to cancel the show if the temperature is forecast to be below 32° the week of the show. In the event that this happens, any money received will be fully refunded.


CLASS FEES: Academy $35 | Qualifying $45

UPHA CLASSICS: Declaration Fee of $50 is required with entry form, Starting Fee: $50 – this additional fee will be automatically added to your account. If you don’t intend on showing in the class, you must scratch in the office prior to the session in which the class is held. The declaration fee is non-refundable and added to the prize money. All horses showing in classic classes must have paid the eligibility fee of $100 to the UPHA office by April 1. After April 1, the eligibility fee becomes $150 per horse.

There will be no money added to the classics unless sponsored. All classics qualify for the finals at the 2024 American Royal.

PREMIUMS: Classes will receive a trophy and six ribbons.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: All horses must present a current negative Coggins test and Health Certificate upon arrival and before entry packets will be released.

CAMPER FEES: Please visit Missouri State Fairgrounds Campground for all your information.

STALLS & BEDDING: Stalls are available Thursday, October 26th

Stalls in Brick Barn Only: $95
Jump Outs: Facility charges $5 per day
Shavings: $12 per bag | Brome Hay – $15 per bale

  1. Participation in the Horse Show can be denied to any person at the discretion of Horse Show officials for any reason at any time.
  2. Sportsmanlike conduct and following generally accepted equine safety principals are expected of all participants.
  3. Gate holds will be granted at the discretion of the Horse Show officials.  Requests must be made in writing at least one hour in advance of gate hold requested.
  4. There will be no tack, equipment or clothing changes in the warm up area. All tacking shall be done in secured areas with appropriate safety equipment such as halters, leads, assistants as necessary. (Note: this rule does not apply to Academy classes – Please refer to Academy rules)
  5. No horse will be permitted to compete that has shown a prior propensity to endanger the safety of others (human or equine). This determination will be made at the sole discretion of Horse Show officials.
  6. No horse will be shown that is deemed unsound. This determination will be made at the sole discretion of Horse Show officials after consultation with a veterinarian if deemed necessary by Horse Show officials.


Lynn McCallister | 913-579-7709


Samantha Blome | 402-430-4292
5211 Leichester Ct.
Lincoln, NE 68516